Saturday, November 18, 2006

Continued Studies - 06/12/2006



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


Turning my attention again toward the social "dysfunction" which is of that disjointed dynamic between the modern pace and that larger motion - this again being of interest because of an exchange I happened to see recently, I am going to explore an area of resulting effect within that larger relationship between the "modern" pace and that mechanism (as it seems within the "slower pace" of humanity) which I have pointed out.

Without going into the specifics of the individual occurrence, I think it more efficient simply to delve into the aspects causing, of and what I see as resulting from the common direction that such is in our modern society. ~

Firstly, it is that the "version" of the "third degree of civilization" that the United States has been put forward as, much involves the idea of immigration. Simply put it welcomes the arrival of any and all who wish to become a part of it.

This immediately poses many variables in result (most of which are by design)- and especially so, unchecked in the direction of disregard for the very mechanism which produces (or is supposed to produce) the opportunities which all of those migrating, seek.

Essentially as many (all really) should know, one of the initial ideas of this version was in action and effect an effort in providing a simple platform (simple, being uncomplicated) in which to become familiar with, and then exist within - productively.

This was to begin with the endeavour toward "naturalization" through an educational course while obtaining "citizenship."

Of course the finer points of this have developed and been augmented over the course of time, but essentially this aspect has remained similar to the initial gist intended - being the want in use of migration in a pronounced area of population.

If a person considers it, such things even as it being a much better option than the impending genocide(s) being of an option of the time, becomes obvious - this given consideration to the overwhelming population problem in many countries (especially Europe) at the time. When you consider it, if it weren't for the option of populating this new country, something much more drastic would have had to been done simply to address the social problems developing in relation to that over-population. But of course, this is only one aspect.

This area of "naturalization" and what seems to be the "common" result in modern haste, is what I have recently begun to call "Puppy Food Island."

I use this descriptive metaphor because it would be very possible, through the use of this hasty - rushed process and the ignorance of many of those who are a product of it - to actually begin to use the quality level of "puppy food" as a standard for human consumption within society simply through telling those people that such is the desired normality of one or a few of those sporting some visually perceivable "power."

This isn't to say that people truly using the naturalization process are the risk here. It is to say that many in our modern day are victimized to some degree through various ploys, in both that haste and the lack of attention given to conveying actual standards - as well as the efforts in exploiting the inherent lack of knowledge (and most times the existing social conditioning) those "immigrants" have pertaining to the possibilities and existing standards. As well as, again, the ease in victimizing (purposefully) those having been previously conditioned to horrible standards from whence they come - this "dysfunction" extending even to religious and/or superstitious exploitation as well (which has many other facets to it obviously).

When this is considered, it then forsakes even the quality of life for many others as well... and further even promotes the presence of those lower standards of quality from those places from which they come in encouraging the continuation in use of said conditioning after arriving into an entirely different atmosphere. Such tactics simply promote the establishment of those "social dynamics" within the potentials of our social structures. Why not simply remain in the countries of origin?

A person can hardly blame many of these people for the reasons stated as well as it is often through their want to actually contribute, that they are most often manipulated. The ignorance and absence of knowledge for these "standards" coupled with their eager dispositions and readiness to "trust" - makes for a dangerous possibility toward the efficiency of the mechanism itself. This especially so when coupled with other "warped" results within that dysfunction and disjointed dynamic I have already begun to describe.

This becomes quite interesting in conjunction and within the transformation from "sovereign/power," to the now myriad of versions within "commerce/power."

There are other aspects which relate to the resulting - sterile/rigid dynamic becoming more and more prominent with the greater automation I have described as well - especially as it "progresses" in its own cycle of "trial and error" - rendering society as a result of the "progress" in hastily developing, producing, marketing and then redressing what could amount to a new computer program, essentially. Then as well is the aspect in the utilization of the presence of ignorance and conditioning as described.

I should point out that from my perspective, it is necessary within a healthy society to have some dysfunction in some respects - that in and of itself is much a part of the "progressive corruption" aspect which humans tend toward. A person could only expect it as a part of the learning process - and quite simply there are always accidents and some level of "destruction" as societies change and grow.

the danger I see in depending upon such as a base point in society - is quite obvious, but within this modern version - it would seem that such is becoming the case. Most likely because of the ease seeming to exist within such forms of dependence.

The laugh I see here in regard to relying on such forms of destruction is that there is loads more profitability in so many other ways that it borders on lunacy to find ourselves within such a scope yet again as a species. ~

this area of "naturalization" process presents a rather interesting "game" from many perspectives - most of these people, as I have stated - simply want someone to tell them what to do in order to find greater ease in "naturalizing" as well as becoming a part of their new life.

When it is that those "instructions" become compromised for what ever reason, or convey extremes to "computer program degrees" - the dysfunction which is common then begins as an amplified version - especially without the human element and intent which was/is the intention from my perspective. ~

There is, as well a greater danger to consider within our modern day - being the need to insure the safety of society from those who seek only to do it harm of various sorts - and harm to the level of which is no longer even a healthy part of that process.

On a personal note; I am rather pleased with the fact that my own existence afforded me such insight as to the ability with which to consider such - I find it incredibly interesting as subject matter on which to ponder. To be able to witness existence as it develops in those senses - and further have the capacity to appreciate it is no gift, I admit - but I enjoy it all the same. ~

Within this "Puppy food Island" dynamic are many mishaps and even greater political struggles which are seldom seen if ever addressed (these being beyond the common and welcomed political aspects). Many of the "mishaps" as I have stated, are as result of the process of enlightening them to the new possibilities - as if if done properly, no one will tell them what to do, precisely. It is very much theirs to decide on many levels - which again, is part of those mishaps as they clamber and stumble through such growth.

In the area of the "political struggles," again I find great interest in observing if only through considering the various possibilities. In so many words as a generalization - if such "naturalization" becomes controlled (influenced) in too much an extreme, it then fails itself essentially.

If it becomes too "militarized," too "boot camp like" - then they may as well be forced to "naturalize" through military service, which then presents the dangers of security breaches as well as exciting the fears of the populous of the nation with concerns in respect to "brain washing" and corruptions (of the inefficient variety), and the undermining of the freedoms they migrated to obtain.

In the other extreme I see, is the danger of "security breaches" and fears of unchecked corruptions resulting in rebellion and possible over throw of the government itself - which I find rather amusing in the fact that you don't need to "over throw" this government structure, you simply become involved and promote the changes you may desire through the use of it. Of course that "use" usually puts those seeking some position of "over lord" into a snit, simply because that isn't the design of it to begin with - but from what I can tell, the want of such is utilized as a fuel of sorts in maintaining that mechanism and structure in many ways - and some which I have yet to realize fully. ~

This then seemingly would bring us to two possibilities - and then the variables within them;

The government dictating, or the public dictating - both being as bad as the other in that sense - which then leads us to the arena of modern media.... and then of course to advertising as a large portion of information source (most accessible at any rate).

But that presents many dangers in regard to "victimization" as well, especially when that "instruction" is no longer that as would a "guide" give, on a trail pertaining to that larger motion in a social sense - but more "instruction" as per what another individual or corporate entity wants as result for their own interests - which obviously, immediately presents problematic areas. One of which being quite obviously, the purposeful misleading as to serve the specific wants of someone/some organization/corporation - without regard for existing standards which then causes more harm than possibility - being exploitation. ~

How then to establish "examples" as "guidance," which are more fair - which are "as result" in a more honest representation of the society in which these new populations hope to live within conducively? How to avoid as much of the false representations in examples seeking to exploit the ignorance which is prominent and as well their pre-conditioned perspectives?

Even if it were that such a "guide" happened into smaller "violations" of the social standards simply as/through a course of living within them - it would still be far better (for everyone) than to be at the mercy of those misusing through said exploitation. It would even be much more efficient and profitable in many ways, as well - given the more "healthy" aspect of it. This again, being in regard to the social process of "naturalization" in such a manner as is popular pertaining to "examples to follow." Most often in the modern day being nothing much more than what can be discerned from the television and commercial campaigns.

In fact, within my own opinion pertaining to the larger picture of such a process as is "naturalization," the normal "miss-step" within society is as important as is the "flawless" guiding aspects in the same respects - given that people are pre-disposed to such mistakes anyway, now and then. And besides, if it were that all were simply "programmed" as to what to do - they may as well have remained in the dictation and subjugation from where they came.

Then further - such extreme of dictation then becomes as bad or worse than that which they came from if for no other reason that it transpires within so many other possibilities.

Even further then, in speculation of "programming," those programs tend to misrepresent the society which those using them as reference points are entering - which again in my opinion, is far worse than being "guided" as result of a common path and standard of living - "good" and "bad" aspects of it as well. Especially when those "programs" most often lead to being exploited anyhow.

Even with the dangers which seem may be of such a direction (as is common living as guide), it seems when thinking about it that the possibilities of all sorts would be present as well - if it were, that is, that such a "trail guide" aspect could be devised and established.

Then of course, as I think about it, within such an established direction, would then be the need to avoid any sort of familiarity - perhaps even in maintaining anonymity as well as a lack of knowledge in such participation from both sides of it, and especially in considering the part of the "guide" given the human tendency toward corruptions of all sorts.

This of course would be in the interest of maximizing those potentials for both those being "guided" and the society itself, also in the interest of avoiding that tendency toward corruption within the present temptation to dictate.

How better to "naturalize" than through direct example of tone and timbre naturally existing within the dynamic of the society you would be entering?

Maybe someday, after it is that I have matured and have traversed much more in study and experience, something of the sort will occur to me in regard to an "idea" that would make such possible and more realistic to implement? ~


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